Thursday, June 9, 2011

5x7 Folded Card

Black Border 5x7 folded card
Shutterfly has modern graduation announcements and photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Heart Florets Border Valentine's Day Card
Create personalized greeting cards and invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


ok i have broken out and dusted off the ol' blog again briefly as I need your opinions :

It took forever for Elijah to really start growing hair and when he did it came out curly, wispy and blonde. I love it and so do most the general public apparently. I've let it grow and so he's almost 2 and still has not had a single haircut , think how much $$ I have saved! LOL. But now I need to decide when its gone past "cute" and is just plain ratty looking ya know? I'm not the type for boys with long hair personally, but I think my judgment has been clouded here because its also going to make my baby look so much older once it is cut and I am "afraid" of that.
My current standpoint is : Wait until after his 2nd Birthday ( less than 2 wks away) and then do it.
So what do YOU think??? Cast ye vote , its anonymous - but sorry you have to be signed in to vote... I'm working on that. Thank you! ETA hmm the POLL BOX is not workin' BOO! Will find a new one.
ps. yes, I have a gorgeous silver keepsake box to keep a curl in when the time comes :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog on Pause

Just so you know, we are still alive and I haven't abandoned my Blog...

Just busy enjoying life , crocheting, the beautiful weather , photography and my lil dude ( big dude too, but i spend more time with lil dude )

I'll be baaack

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Functional Art

Its my addiction- well ok ONE of my addictions. I have over the years discovered that I have a fondness for things that look, well, like things they are not.  Or if its just an obscure version of normal.
I have collected CaRRoL BoYeS art for years now here are just a very few of my collection:

She is a South Africa artist but her stuff can be bought internationally. I just love her stuff and can't leave SA without bringing a few pieces home with me!
Other functional weird things in my house that I love , my hand vac, my clock, Elijahs new Banana toothbrush, Elijah's Egg cup( by Alessi) :

and my newest purchase> I just LOVE Boon products and this one is no exception:


And if you know me , this also applies to dressing my son, particularly accessories like hats and socks:

So what I am saying is: It is an addiction but its ok for you to be an enabler and leave comments / links to other cool/ crazy products that you have seen that you think fall into this category that I would probably love. Its Okizzay.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Anatomy of a SuperMom Part 2

 ( eta- seriously, after all the time i put into making my CHARTS they didn't even show up on here!!! GRRR they did at first but at some point something went wrong. doublegrrr)
OK, so  a HUGE THANK-YOU to everyone who participated in my "survey". It was fascinating and revealing and inspiring and motivating! We're a bunch of hard working Mama's - but I did not need the survey to figure that one out!  
I think SLEEP and NUTRITION are vital aspects in being part SuperMom and lets face it, we all want to be part SuperMom, not for ourselves or for what other people think of us but so we can raise SuperKids - who are healthy, happy, balanced , empathetic and awesome. So we NEED to take the time from things like watching TV and oh maybe even the computer ( yes, I am talking to myself here!) and make sure we do this for ourselves. I always told myself that TV/Computer time is MY relaxing time, which it IS - BUT- at the expense of being drained the next day and the next and the next - who is that fun for? 

I am clearly NOT a writer ( or a SuperMom or a Chart maker truth be told!) and my thoughts on all this and the answers I received are all jumbled in my head and I am finding it hard to put it all to paper like I had planned. The one thing I did realize from this all though is that there is no ONE MOLD for what a SuperMom is, just like fingerprints and snowflakes , we are all completely different and so require different things of ourselves. Ultimately a SuperMom is a HAPPY MOM who gets out of life what she wants by making the effort to do so

So I am not going to keep harping on about this, and hope you've learned what I did from the experiment even though its completely NOT what I thought the lesson would be. There are no tricks or magic spells, we all require different things and have different things required of us. 

Here is a breakdown of some of the info I gathered, I’ll gradually add more to later posts as it would just be too much all in one. 
Approximately how many hours of sleep do you get a night?

According to my basic research we're doing pretty good here, 7-8 hrs is what we need. But of course for many thats not a continuous 7-8 hrs and there are too many of you getting by on 5 or less hours and I really urge you to try and get a few more. A more rested Mommy = a happier Mommy = a happier family. 

Question #6:
In response to the question about how often we cook in a week, there was one common statement across the board bar one - who cooks 6 nights a week. And that was that we wish we cooked more for our families. I know I wish I was better. My Mom used to come home from a full days work at 6pm and cook a full meal every night , like a roast chicken or something crazy like that! I will roast a chicken maybe twice a year! How DID she do it? I do cook most nights at home but its always pretty basic and I go in phases of being really good about it and then burning out and slacking off for months after that. 

Question #14:
a) Poop
b) Snot 
c) Bedtimes
d) 5pm witching hour - making dinner meltdowns
e)Teeth Brushing

This was pretty funny, but the majority chose d) the witching hour / making dinner meltdowns as their nemesis and since I answered mine has changed from e)teeth-brushing to d) the witching hour too. He has definitely got better about his teeth brushing ! f) was mostly people with older kids and so a) thru e) were no longer a factor but apparently “Getting the kids up and out te house in the morning” is gonna be on the horizon for many of us shortly. I can’t wait. I am such a great morning person at the best of times...

One things for sure: SNOT IS HOT / WE LOVE SNOT ! ha ha!

So, THANK YOU again. I will take all I have learned and continue to grow and try to improve myself and strive to be a better Mommy every day- knowing that I already am a SuperMom and so are YOU!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

with love


spend time with your loved ones, coz if you can, you are blessed.


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