Thursday, June 11, 2009

the INvites are OUT!

Okie Dokie!
Its all systems go. The party is planned for July 5th - his actual birthday, which is obviously the day after July 4th and on a weekend so I know there will be a few people who can't make it as its a big weekend in general and also one that a lot of people go away for.
We don't have a lot of family in the area with ALL of mine being overseas and Bubba's is scattered around too so its not going to be huge don't worry!

If you need directions coz we live so far away from most of you, please email or call me I will do my best to help you, GoogleMaps is my friend!

There will be "older" kids so bring big siblings along please! Noah and his neighborhood tribe will be thrilled to have some new kids over. I am thinking of doing the sprinkler or something so they can cool off, and will have a few games for them.

Of course Elijah has a little TURTLE pool but I am nervous to put water in it for the party coz of the lil ones and the hazard that could be, for safety, keeping clothes dry and tantrums if the Mama says no... You know what I mean! So it may be a mini ball pit ( there will be a larger one too) . We'll see on the day. Bring swimsuits juuuuust in case.
I do HOPE the weather is not stormy( or killer hot), coz mostly we'll be outside. I will make sure there is plenty of shade and we can all come inside if we need to of course but it will be cramped for sure!

Thats all the info I have for now. I am going for my Thyroid surgery tomorrow ( Fri 12th) so once I have recovered I hope to get into full-steam ahead party-planning-committee mode! You see my Mom always did the most awesome Birthday parties for us and I know I won't live up to that standard its in my blood and I want my guy to have the same wonderful memories that I do of HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAYS . I know he'll never remember his first birthday, but we'll take pics and video etc. Its a CELEBRATION of how far we have come from that first day
he was born, a little early by my clock but RIGHT ON TIME coz the world could not wait another moment to have this lil man out and about! aaah memories! ( click that to see his TOTSITE!)
Recently I have found myself getting overwhelmed with grief by stories/ blogs/ news/ tv shows etc etc of people who have lost their children and have taken this as my opportunity to celebrate how grateful and blessed we are to have this beautiful crazy Elijah of ours! And not take it for granted EVER.

Thank you for being part of our lives!

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